Tuesday, 23 September 2014

It's a Groovy Little Problem with Android Studio

Thought i'd write something on this blog. So here we go...

Today after booting up Android Studio (And this may apply to IntelliJ as well) I was greeted with an error from gradle complaining that there was an issue with my build.gradle.

gradle Error:(1, 0) Cause: org/codehaus/groovy/runtime/typehandling/ShortTypeHandling

From a quick Google it looked like many people were talking about this class def being missing and that it didn't even exist until groovy 2.3.0.

At this point i wondered if some dependency had been pulled in which was conflicting the internal version of gradle. At this point I looked for an Android Studio update... There was one. Woo!

Aww. After refreshing gradle I had a new error message.

Error:(1, 0) Gradle 2.0 is required.

 No problems though, after a quick trip to File > Project Structure I set the Gradle Version to 2.1.

Hazzar! It works.. And we're back on track.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Dude! It helped.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dude!